A moving documentary short from Rio de Janeiro-born, New Jersey-raised filmmaker Yuri Alves (previously featured here). Offering an intimate glimpse into the life and outlook of Newark-based skateboarder Tommy Cuba, “On the Cusp” captures the passion, energy and generosity of spirit that led Tommy to help found Shorty’s Skate Park. A local haven beloved by so many, himself included, Tommy watches now as forces beyond his control threaten the community he worked so hard to build.
Directed by Yuri Alves
Featuring: Tommy Cuba
Producers: Yuri Alves and Igor Alves
Executive Producers: Yuri Alves, Igor Alves, Mike Gomes
Associate Producers: Dan Dowding and Paul Burger
Consulting Producer: Christopher Santiago
Cinematographer: Michael Gomes
Editor: Caroline Sincaruk & Yuri Alves
Sound Editing and Mix: Mert Ozcan
Composer: Boris Ivanov
Assistant Camera: Caroline Sincaruk and Marco Penajoia
Gaffer: Gabriel Kurzlop
Sound: Victor Buitrago
Colorist: Alex Maclean
Production Coordinator: Li Kurzlop
Production Assistants: Erick Arce, Corey Brumfield,
Steven Goncalves, Khadiyah Thomas, Sharon Wu
Post Production Sound Services: The Record House
Post Production Color Services: Rogue
In Association with: The Hidden Fortress
Production Company: DreamPlay Media
Made with support from: Newark Office of Film and Television, City of Newark.