
Great energy thanks to the editing of this hybrid documentary music video for Huey Briss and Nikobeats. Directed by Christian O’Keefe and Michael Priestley of Los Angeles-based Overlay, “Grace Park Legend” offers a mix of scanned photos from Huey’s family as well as impromptu shots taken over the course of filming. As O’Keefe explains:

“Mike & I had been wanting to try our hand at a photo-based music video for some time, and when Huey first sent us this song, we thought it was a good opportunity to give that a go. His lyrics just painted such a detailed, visual description that it felt like only photos could do it justice! First, we scanned a ton of photos from Huey’s family. Trying to match some of the locations/looks from those, we then captured our own photos over the course of a few days while shooting the video, grabbing pickups, & just walking around with our cameras. Finally, we put it all together to make for one big ol’ editing nightmare. BUT we made it out okay, and are stoked to have done so. Very proud of this one!”


Directed by Christian O’Keefe & Michael Priestley
Color by Connor Bailey
Special thanks to Huey’s Family, Zach Zombek, Danny Kim, & Chad Corhan


This video was submitted by Christian O’Keefe and selected by our team. Click here if you have a project you’d like us to check out!

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