
A delightfully quirky short by Toronto-based writer and director Max Sherman. Starring Zachary Zamsky, Nina Kiri, Jacqueline Knight, Aaron Serotsky, Joel Hurt Jones, Will Rogers and Margaret Clunie, “Nowadays” offers up a series of vignettes about the awkwardness of modern love and technology.


Written and Directed by Max Sherman
Executive Producers: Harland Weiss, Donovan Boden, Isil Gilderdale, Paul Weston
Producers: Haley Vickers, Jason Aita, Andrew Studholme
Cinematography: Kiel Milligan, Simon Richards
Editors: Ross Birchall, Melanie Hider, Cam Lasovich
Production: OPC
Editoral: Saints Editorial
Post: ETC London
Sound: Vapor Music


This video was submitted by Max Sherman and selected by our team. Click here if you have a project you’d like us to check out!

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