
An inspiring portrait of up-and-coming musician Omar Apollo by director Kevin Lombardo. Born and raised in Mexico (and currently living in Gary, Indiana), Omar reflects on where he’s come from and how he got himself to where he is now. As Lomardo describes the motivation behind the film:

“This little story is to let everyone know that we can do whatever we want even if we don’t have the ‘teacher’ for it, we are all figuring it out.”

Capturing Omar’s first trip to NYC for a show, Lombardo and cinematographer Patrick Golan opted for “all handheld” in order to mimic Omar’s experience for the viewer as the “run-and-go type style” lends itself to the kind of small details newcomers are more likely to notice — subtle subjects, different buildings, lights, views, etc.

See New York through Omar and Lombardo’s eyes above. You can also listen to the featured track, “Heart,” and check out some behind-the-scenes shots from the shoot below!


Director: Kevin Lombardo
Cinematographer: Patrick Golan
Sound Design: Raphael Ajuelos
Producer(s): Dylan Shanks & Toby Bird






Kevin Lombardo’s Website

Kevin Lombardo on Instagram

Omar Apollo on Soundcloud

Omar Apollo on Instagram


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