A young man confronts the trauma of his past as he attends the funeral of a childhood friend in this moving short directed by Jonathan Salmon and played by Nathan Williams. Set on the Tulalip Reservation and featuring a cast of all members of the Tulalip Tribes, “In Spirit” offers a modern day look at the effects of generational trauma.
“In Spirit is the mirror that reflects the emotional trauma and turmoil that young Indigenous
folks endure on reservations across the United States. In the 8 minutes, we watch a young
man grapple with accepting the death of his childhood friend. As he struggles to come to
terms with the passing, it’s the normalization of constant death in his community that has
taken its toll on his ability to cope without noticing.”
Nathan Williams
Marina Benally
Deborah Guerrero
Bobby Jeter
Ron Iukes
Chelsea Craig
Producers: Jonathan Salmon & Nathan Williams
Director: Jonathan Salmon
Writers: Jonathan Salmon & Nathan Williams
1st Assistant Director: Justin Jeffers
Director of Photography: Philips Shum
1st Assistant Camera: Tavo Estrada
Gaffer: Lucas Chapel
Key Grip: Matthew Rush
Production Sound Mixer: Cody Campbell
Production Assistant: Keegan Ellington
Editorial / Post:
Editor: Federico Conforti
Music performance by Deborah Guerrero
Sound Designer: Sean Higgins
Re-Recording at Synergy NW
Colorist: Stephen Derluguian
This video was submitted by Jonathan Salmon and selected by our team. Click here if you have a project you’d like us to check out!