A beautiful testament to the power and necessity of collaboration and community from Brooklyn-based Reframe the World. Directed by Matthew Palmer (previously featured here), the film’s creation is itself an example of people coming together as all the footage and photos were generously donated by talented NY filmmakers and photographers. The voices similarly feature New Yorkers from around the 5 boroughs, recorded on the phone, and sent to be used in the project. Check out “And Now We’re Here” above and see full credits below!
A Reframe the World Project
Directed by Matthew Palmer
Produced by Michael Peay, Chelsea Franklin, Charlotte Traver
Edited by Matt Carter
Color Producer: Denisse Jimenez
Colorist: Alexia Salingaros
Composition, Sound Design, & Mix by Sam Costello
Footage and Photography by
Erik Bakshi
Nick Bowser
Jay Boyington
Joey Chavez
Ryd Cook
Drew Dawson
Edgar Dubrovskiy
Prince Dudley
Optic Films
SJ Finlay
Miquel Guillaume
Bennett Johnson
Alexey Kosorukov
Michelle Nash
Omar Nasr
Jake Oleson
Sacred Pact
Taylor McIntosh
Tess Pereyo
Marco Porsia
Janssen Powers
Christian Ranby
Mac Saxton
Daniel Seiffert
Roberto Sermini
Roberto Serrina
Tim Sessler
Gautam Singhani
Zev Schmitz
Carmelo Varela
Chris Westlund
Voice Over by
Roxanne Artesona
Price Ave
Najeary Bennett
Catherine Bernath
David Cihelna
Alyce Cihelna
Grace Clarke
Veronica Diaferia
Prince Dudley
Stefano Ferrari
Scott Franklin
Anne Gordon
Jesse Grossman
Jessica Hodgson
John Hodgson
Peter Hodgson
Taryn King
Alexey Kosorukov
Woonjoon Kwan
Karen Lim
Caroline Madaio
Anne Miller
Maryann Minaesian
Ella Nuortila
TJ Stukes
Amy Xu
This video was submitted by Reframe the World and selected by our team. Click here if you have a project you’d like us to check out!