Tons of great shots in this video for ÄTNA’s track “Ruining My Brain” by director and cinematographer Philip Zeller of Nous Film.
“Aesthetics is a form of expression just like music. In a time when people call for strict borders and clear definitions this band delivers an alternative — one that is meant to unite and not separate. In the end it’s the raw emotion that triumphs.”
Inéz Schaefer
Demian Kappenstein
Chris Schröder
Artur Wielgolewski
Director & Director of Photography: Philip Zeller (Nous Film)
1st AC: Florian Fischer (Nous Film)
2nd AC: Katharina Angerer
Styling: Christina Albrecht
Hair & Makeup: Victoria Reuter
Edit, Effects & Color: Philip Zeller & Florian Fischer (Nous Film)
Special thanks to: Manuel Birnbacher
Music & Lyrics: ÄTNA Recording: Moses Schneider
Mixing: Peter J. Seifert
Mastering: ThE EmU
This is just one of the many wonderful submissions we’ve received in the past week. Click here if you have a project you’d like us to check out!