A man’s reality starts to break down as he investigates a mysterious building project in this sequel to “Moth” (previously featured here) by Tokyo-based director Mackenzie Sheppard. Beautiful cinematography by Oliver Millar. Watch above and see full credits below!
Kai Hoshino Sandy
Rei Nelson Sandy
Hitomi Yoshimura
Yusuke Nakagawa
Yukiko Takayanagi
Ameno Andrew Shingo
Kazuki Kawakami
Naoki Sakamoto
Seiichi Mukai
Jin Kusanagi
Director: Mackenzie Sheppard
Director of Photography: Oliver Millar
Japan Production: Anna Liu
Japan and Extras Casting: Ko Iwagami
Mexico Production: Maritza Carbajal, Nosha Sauma
Music: Schallbauer, Thomas Suess
Mix: Daniel Muller
Rotoscopy: Root VFX
Butterfly Conservation: Comision Nacional de Areas Naturales Protegidas
Special Thanks:
Kumata, Prizz, Beary, Mitz
Ko Iwagami
This video was submitted by Mackenzie Sheppard and selected by our team. Consider participating here if you have a project you’d like us to check out!