A delightfully ridiculous short directed by Amber Schaefer. Written by the film’s stars and real-life couple, Krista Jensen and David Ebert, “It’s Been Too Long” follows two ex-lovers who meet at a rarely-used Aspen lodge and somehow find it necessary to confess all their past sins before reigniting their passions.
Starring David Ebert & Krista Jensen
A Horse Divorce and TBD production
Directed by Amber Schaefer
Written by Krista Jensen & David Ebert
Producer: Shane Osgood
Cinematographer: Jordan T Parrott
Edit: Joshua Rathmell
Assistant Camera: Curran Banach
Gaffer: Leroy Prompakdee
Sound Engineer: Ed Zisk
Key PA: Lara Fox
Sound Mix: Tim Korn, Dungeon Beach
Color: Josh Bohoskey @ The Mill
Special Thanks:
Evan Bauer
Amanda Ratti Hamilton
Shannon O’Neill and the UCB Theatre
Danielle Pelcher
Jacqueline Rosenthal
Paul Veroeven
Winifred Louise
This video was submitted by Amber Schaefer and selected by our team. Click here if you have a project you’d like us to check out!