
A young gay man grows increasingly entangled in the marriage of an older couple in this poignant short by Brooklyn-based filmmaker Matthew Puccini (previously featured here). Inspired by personal experience, “Lavender” sees Puccini attempting to capture something more authentic than the usual depictions of threesomes on screen — to focus on “the potential for beauty and intimacy rather than on the potential for jealousy or pettiness.” As he states:

“With this film, I set out to portray an unconventional relationship tenderly and honestly, and explore the new families, both literal and figurative, that gay men create for themselves as they stumble toward intimacy. I hope this film will prove insightful and perhaps even surprising to straight audience members, and feel truthful and honest to queer viewers. More than anything, though, I hope that it proves that there is a space for queer stories to exist somewhere between camp and tragedy, where quiet naturalism and tender romance, no matter how brief, are enough.”


Michael Hsu Rosen
Ken Barnett
Michael Urie

Written & Directed by Matthew Puccini
Produced by Casey Bader, Tyler Rabinowitz, Corey Deckler
Executive Produced by Sam Abbas, Jason Michael Berman, Natalé Olsen, Sean Weiner
Cinematography: Brandon Roots
Casting: Freya Krasnow
Edit: William C. Sullivan
Production Design: Katie Fleming
Costume Design: Rachel Dainer-Best

Made in the Creative Culture program at The Jacob Burns Film Center
Created during the Sundance Ignite fellows program


This video was submitted by Matthew Puccini and selected by our team. Consider participating here if you have a project you’d like us to check out!

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