A beautiful snapshot of the unique life and rhythm of New York City during COVID co-directed by Stuart McIntyre and Mike Weir. The idea for “Late Nights” came from cellist and composer Malcolm Parson’s own experience walking through the city. With that in mind, McIntyre took an approach inspired by local street photographers to capture the honest personality and perspectives embedded in the landscape and people. Because of COVID, Stuart wasn’t able to direct it in-person so NYC-based filmmaker Weir, along with cinematographers Marcus Lewis and Wayn Reid, set out at night with some 16mm film, a digital video camera, and a film still camera. Check out the results above and see full credits below!
Production Company: Care of the Land & somesuch
Producer: Stuart McIntyre
Director: Stuart McIntyre & Mike Weir
Cinematographers: Mike Weir, Marcus Lewis, Wayn Reid
Editoral House: Cabin Editing Company
Editor: Nick Deliberto
Colouring House: Coloured Only
Colourist: Kya Williamson
Sound House: Walker
Sound Designer & Mixer: Chris Nungary
Photographer: Marcus Lewis
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