A grim yet visually stunning short from Liverpool-born filmmaker Daniel Boocock of Claret and Blue. “The Neolith” tells the story of a mysterious individual who stands up against a pack of bloodthirsty outsiders. Set in an unspecified time and place, the film explores themes of identity and human psychology, as Boocock states:
“The inspiration behind it came from many things, my own creative instinct being the primary influence. Though aspects of mysticism, Jungian theories of the shadow self and Gnosticism all play their part as does the physicality of the landscape in which The Neolith is set. All these aspects mirror certain conflicts and dynamics within the human psyche. The Neolith is not defined to one specific time. Some have interpreted it as being set in the past, others believe it is set in the future or a different realm entirely. Though certain drives within the films individual characters can be recognized regardless of time or place. ‘Too much animal distorts the civilized man’ wrote Jung ‘too much civilization makes sick animals.’”
Jak Corrie
Dan Boie Kratfeldt
Nanna Lyhne Andersen
Jacob Skyggebjerg
Jesper Møller
Lasse Voss
Macy & Bradley Weeder
Writer, Director & Producer: Daniel Boocock
Cinematographer: Andrew Schonfelder
Production Design: Caleb Rogers
Costume Design: Stephanie O’hara
Props Master: Simon Stubbs
Sound Design: Sam Auguste
Composer: Danhiem
Sound Recordist: Phil Hartley
Production Coordinator: Shaun Barry
Editor: Daniel Boocock
Colourist & VFX: Andrew Schonfelder
VFX: Roman De Guili
Makeup & Prosthetic Design: Martin Hansen
Makeup Artist: Ainhoa Negro Puls
Prosthetics Assistant: Lilli Thavapee Tollerup
Prosthetics Assistant: Claudemyr Barata
Prosthetics Assistant: Lucia Katharina Kallan
Prosthetics Assistant: Freja Riise
First Assistant Camera: Kevin Grossett
Second Assistant Camera: Laura Buchanan
Drone & MOVI Operation: Martin Osborne
Additional Drone Footage: John Duncan
Vocal Coach: Helle Thun
Unit Transport: Peter Rosenfeld
Linguist: Tom Grant
Production Insurance: WK Film Insurance
This video was submitted by Daniel Boocock and selected by our team. Click here if you have a project you’d like us to check out!