
Incredible performances in this contemporary response to D.W. Griffith’s 1915 silent film The Birth of a Nation by New York City-based directors and choreographers Amadi ‘Baye’ Washington and Sam ‘Asa’ Pratt (aka Baye & Asa). Griffith’s film is a veneration of the KKK, painting the Klan as saviours of a white race in danger as American culture and politics begin to shift after the Civil War. It highlights a fundamental White supremacist delusion that continues to plague this country: that White people are inherently superior, and that they are politically and culturally under attack. “Second Seed” grapples with this White delusion.


AJ Tasley Parr
Amadi Baye Washington
Marla Phelan
Myssi Robinson
Sam Asa Pratt

Directed & Choreographed by Baye & Asa
Edited by Baye & Asa
Production & Music: Jack Grabow
Cinematography: Alan Jensen
Technical Director: David Bull


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