
Nice homage to flat track motorcycle racing by directors + jacksonkarinja (previously featured here). Shot with the Vancouver Flat Track Club in Pemberton, BC, “Chasing Silence” captures the unique juxtaposition of the noise of a race and the actual headspace of the racer:

“We’ve always been passionate about motorcycles and racing, but the feeling of being on the track can be pretty tricky to describe. In some ways the track is loud, fast and abrasive. But for the rider on the track, it’s a calm focus that drowns out all distractions and suspends time. Our friends run a flat track series outside Vancouver and invited us to come up to camp and race. We asked if we could shoot it, and this is what came out of it. We hope it gets the feeling across. And we hope we can race it next year!”

This is just one of the many fun submissions we’ve received in the past week. Click here if you have a project you’d like us to check out!

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