Paris-based director and cinematographer Killian Lassablière explores the enigmatic world of motocross in the deceptively quiet countryside of France. Featuring Mathys Boisramé, Charles Lefrançois and Pierre Goupillon, “Off Track” follows a group of emerging riders from Brittany — an area that has proven to be a rife breeding ground for elite motocross racers:
“After my previous videos ‘Around the Block’ and ‘Unwordable,’ I felt compelled to delve deeper into the world of extreme sports. I went back to my roots in Brittany to highlight this niche community and present their raw energy and hidden narratives to a wider audience.”
Watch above and see full credits below!
Directed & Photographed by Killian Lassablière
Produced by Bande Magnétique
Producer: Yoël Servadio
Editor: Martin Pierret
Steadycam: Charlie Moreno
Action Operator: Kevin Conseil
Buggy Driver: Titi Soufflart
Music Composer: Maxime Hervé
Sound Engineer: Valerian Ponsero
Sound design: Raphael Trap
Prod Assistant: Nolwenn Jaubert
2nd AC: Thomas Serré, Oscar Guedeu
Mathys Boisramé
Charles Lefrançois
Romain Pape
Pierre Goupillon
Vincent Corre
Johann Letestu
Tanguy Egler
Téo Zoméro
Dorian Werlé
This video was submitted by Killian Lassablière and selected by our team. Click here if you have a project you’d like us to check out!