A moving short written and directed by first-time filmmaker Richard Prendergast. Inspired by a true story from the American Midwest, “Sylvia” transports us to the flat and barren landscape of east Norfolk to explore themes of love and loss through a woman’s emotional journey selling her family car.
Jolie Lennon
Benjamin Hartley
Gaynor Fraser
Maisie Prendergast
Evie Prendergast
Mick Fryer-Kelsey
Willow Major
Carl Harding
Written & Directed by Richard Prendergast
Produced by Rachel Prendergast
Executive Producers: Benjamin Hartley, Andrew Buckley
1st AD : Andrew Prendergast
Cinematography: Rowan Biddiscombe
1st AC: Tom Coe
Sound Recordist: Blai Escayola
Make Up/Stylist: Jo Gosnell / Colour Me Me
Health & Safety: Mark Prendergast
Chaperone: Peter & Kay Carroll
Runner/Photographer: Will Dimsdale
1st AD: Jack Simpson
Cinematography: Tom Coe
1st AC: Robbie Stevens
Drone Operator: Andy Bodycombe (HexCam)
Drone Operator: Elliott Corke (HexCam)
Cable-Cam/tracking vehicle Operator: Craig Hodgkinson
Stills Photography: Kelly Simone
Casting: MFS Casting
Script Editor: Lander Hawes
Editor: Jack Clayton Wright
Original Score: Jonathan Hamer
This video was submitted by Rachel Prendergast and selected by our team. Click here if you have a project you’d like us to check out!