
Two high school nobodies embark on a desperate search for the biggest fight of the year in this delightful short by Los Angeles-based writer-director Lena Tsodykovskaya. Shot on 16mm, “Luisa and Anna’s First Fight” perfectly captures the extremes of adolescence, schoolyard drama, and idiot best friends:

“I was nasty as a teenager. Nasty and Silly. I wore heavy boots, talked loudly, skipped school and smoked. Still do all of those things by the way. And yes, I’ve been in fights. Incredibly silly ones. All three of them. This little film is based on those three fights and represents the stupidity of youth as much as rock solid girl friendships. To me this is what true friendship is — being there for each other’s most nonsensical endeavors and carrying the weight of its repercussions together.”

Watch above and see full credits below!


Starring Olivia Taylor Cruz & Allison Moses
Written & Directed by Lena Tsodykovskaya
Produced by Elena Bawiec & Cynthia Jean Hajj
Director of Photography: Konstantin Mazov
Edit: Artyom Baryshnikov
Sound Design: Peter Bawiec, MPSE
Production Design: Patrick Fritz
Costume Design: Giselle Carillo
Casting: Gianna Butler
Color Grading: Andrey Nikolaev


This is just one of the many fun submissions we’ve received in the past week. Consider participating here if you have a project you’d like us to check out!

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