A subtle yet unsettling short by Vancouver-based filmmaker Irina Lord. Inspired by real events, “META” follows a group of women as they profess love and devotion for their Spiritual Leader, while a new recruit receives a special invitation.
Ali McDougall
Leah Beaudry
Sunny Chen
Eileen Cruz
Allison Layne
Norah Bonsra
Zoë Christie-Dowd
Written & Directed by Irina Lord
Cinematography: Bryce Zimmerman
Music & Sound Design: Alexandre Klinke
Production Design: Julia Schnitman
Casting: Sarah El Bakkouri
Colour: Sam Gilling
1 AC: Amir El Ezaby
Gaffer: Brent Fulton
Best Boy: Joel Cox
Boom Op/Production Sound Mixer: Caisha Lea Thompson
This is just one of the many creative submissions we’ve received in the past week. Consider participating here if you have a project you’d like us to check out!