A stunning documentary short by New Zealand-born filmmaker Dan Sadgrove (previously featured here). Delving into a legendary tradition almost impossible for any outsider to understand, Sadgrove travels to Sedilo, a small village in Sardinia, where the year is divided into two parts; Before S’Ardia and after S’Ardia:
“S’Ardia is much more than a simple horse race. These riders will wait decades for the honour of being Sa Prima Pandèla and race through the Sanctuary. In Sedilo, it is not just tradition, religion and bravery for those who live and breath horse riding. It is S’Ardia.”
Shot & Directed by Dan Sadgrove
Editor: Ben Elkaim
Music: Hanan Townshend
Sound: Morgan Johnson
Color: Mikey Rossiter
Translation: Claudia Marredda
Interpreters: Claudia Marredda, Michela Muscau
This is just one of the many wonderful submissions we’ve received in the past week. Consider participating here if you have a project you’d like us to check out!