A deliberately infuriating short by New York City-based director Justin Leyba. Created as a personal project in honour of Earth Day, “Our Mother” asks the simple question: what if we treated our own mothers, the same way we treated Mother Nature? As Leyba states:
“We, as individuals, can spark bigger change with our small, simple, everyday actions. From turning off the water while shampooing your hair and singing some Frank Sinatra, to finishing that plate of subpar dinner you made pretending to be a Michelin starred chef. Each and everyone of us can lead and inspire others to think green and do their part. Personally, this project has, more than ever, made me more conscious about how I treat Mother Earth and I hope watching this film would have the same impact to others.”
Director: Justin Leyba
Director of Photography: Steven Turco
Gaffer: Vann Fulffs
MUA: Esther Kwon
Set Photographer: Joey Abreu
Talents: Janet Donofrio & Ian O’Boyle
Post Production: The Mill
Producer: Laurie Adrianopoli
Colorist: Mikey Pehanich
Post Sound: Heard City
Producer: Andi Lewis
Sound Designer / Mixer: Evan Anderson
VFX Artists: Matt Ching & Victor Hermosillo
Song licensed through Marmoset Music.
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