A young man struggles to redeem himself by making a film about his father’s work in this quirky short by director Paul Johnston. Combining fact with fiction, “Beginning To End” highlights the real-life public art installations erected along Toronto’s beachfront during the Winter months. The “Winter Stations” are designed by artists from around the world and built by a local man named Alan. What is less true is the “almost entirely fictional character” of Alan’s son, as Johnston explains:
“This film is intended to be a documentary on the annual Winter Stations design/art project, wrapped in a narrative story about the pitfalls that can come when seeking validation from others consumes your motivations for creating art.”
Watch above and see full credits below!
Alex Gladwell
Naomi Skwarna
Alan Johnston
Written & Directed by Paul Johnston
Directory of Photography: Jordan Kennington
Editor: Lindsay Allikas
Producer: Simon Mohos
Assistant Camera: Lucas Jospeh
Location Sound: Samuel Rodgers
Color: Zach Cox
Music: CFCF and The System
Sound Mix: SNDWRX
Additional Footage: Zach Hertzman
This is just one of the many fun submissions we’ve received in the past week. Consider participating here if you have a project you’d like us to check out!