
An exploration of one man’s struggle with himself in this beautiful collaboration between Los Angeles-based director Carlos Asse and cinematographer Paul Theodoroff (previously featured here). Shot on 35mm, “Dark at Sea” captures themes of frustration, defeat and addiction to success through the movements of dancer Matthew Gibbs. The project itself emerged from Asse and Theodoroff’s mutual desire to break from their usual routines to create something more personal and abstract. As Asse explains:

“We had never worked together before and wanted to make a special first collaboration out of this opportunity. We talked about our recent work and found out that we were hungry and passionate to create something vulnerable from a deeper perspective. Thus, Dark at Sea came to life”

Watch above and check out some behind-the-scenes images from the shoot below!


Starring Matthew Gibbs
Directed by Carlos Asse
Cinematography by Paul Theodoroff
1st AC: Joshua R. Cote
2nd AC: Travis Francis
Loader: Chastin Noblett
Editor: Cavan J. Faucett






Carlos Asse’s Website

Carlos Asse on Instagram

Paul Theodoroff’s Website

Paul Theodoroff on Instagram


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