
A creative take on mosquitoes and advertising in this short piece for a thankfully non-existent product. Written and directed by London-based comedy director Riccardo Salvi, “Killer – Mosquito Spray” offers a quirky play on commercial conventions and mob hits.

“I wanted to grab the attention of the viewer in an unusual way, hoping they won’t forget easily about it, however they liked it or not. I’d describe this a Marmite film, people rather like it or hate it”.


Karlos Klaumannsmoller
Richard Mayers
Nick Tuck

Written & Directed by Riccardo Salvi
Dop. Karim Andreotti
Producer. Alessandra Peretti
VFX & 3D Animation. Luca Meloni
Editor. Riccardo Salvi
Runner. Morotti Alessandro
Copy Supervisor. Aren Ock
SFX. Adam Woodhams
Music Composer. Victor Hugo Fumagalli
Audio Recording. Declan Chew
Styling. Cenci Vintage
Colourist. Andrew Karno
Graphic Designer. Christian Longhi


This is just one of the many fun submissions we’ve received in the past week. Click here if you have a project you’d like us to check out!

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