
A charmingly random hand-drawn animation for Tōth by Massachusetts-born, Los Angeles-based artist Amanda Bonaiuto (previously featured here). Inspired by the idea of parades and pining for love, “No Reason” works to build up anticipation like the climax of a musical. As Bonaiuto further explains:

“I was drawn to the enticing slowness of the song, and it made me think of the film Dreams by Akira Kurosawa, Cab Calloway’s dancing, and some of the moods in Marcel Dzama’s drawings. I decided on featuring birds as an innocent threat from the beginning, paired with a character who seems suspicious of them and unsure about their desires. I liked that the human to bird interface could become a source of happiness for no reason.”

This is just one of the many wonderful submissions we received in the past week. Click here if you have a project you’d like us to check out!

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