A poetic exploration of belonging by Madrid/Barcelona-based filmmaker Jiajie Yu Yan. Inspired by Charles Bukowski’s “The Aliens,” the short film follows a young woman wandering through a world from which she feels entirely alienated. Yu Yan and his team had to similarly navigate unfamiliar terrain as the project came together, as he shared with us:
“We arrived in Benidorm without a script, no budget, no shooting schedule and none of us having been in that city before. Aliens is the result of this crazy and improvised trip.”
Starring: Lina Gorbaneva
Voice: Karina Matas Piper
Written, Directed and Produced by Jiajie Yu Yan
Director of Photography: Miguel Gayoso
Producer: Mimi Margalef
Production Designer: Mimi Margalef
Editor: Jiajie Yu Yan
Sound Designer: Helena Placencia
Original Soundtrack: Joan Carles Cardell & Sergio Llopis
Text: Nerea Arrojería
Translation: Karina Matas Piper
Colour Grading: Jiajie Yu Yan, Miguel Gayoso
Graphic: Mimi Margalef